Latest News from Dave's Home Brew
Hi and welcome to our new Dave’s Home Brew website. We have retired the old coal burning steam driven one for this new technological marvel.
Although the new site is cutting edge, I’m not!! If you can’t find something you think should be here or have any problems with this new version, email us at and we will make sure to look into it for you.
If you had registered with the shop part of the old site you will have to re-register the 1st time you order on this new one as we can’t transfer your details from the old one.
As International Air Freight is still a basket case we have suspended the importation of White Labs Liquid Yeast as it is taking too long away from refrigeration.
Very excited to announce we are now stocking BLUESTONE YEAST COMPANY liquid yeasts. These awesome liquid yeasts are produced in Melbourne and shipped overnight so they are so fresh its scary.

Welcome to Dave's Home Brew
Dave’s Home Brew opened at 1/283A Miller Street North Sydney (phone 9460 0526), in 2003 with the aim of supplying home brewers of all levels of experience with top quality ingredients, equipment and advice.
We stock:
Beer kits from Black Rock, Coopers, Morgans and Mangrove Jacks. Cider kits from Black Rock and Mangrove Jacks, Ginger Beer kits from Morgan's. Fresh Wort kits from All Inn Brewing and Casey's Brewery. Liquid yeast from White Labs. Dry yeasts from Safale Saflager and Lallemand. Hops from Australia, New Zealand, America & Europe; Malted Grain from Joe White (Australia), Simpsons (UK) and Weyermann (Germany). We also supply complete home keg systems and everything you need for home distilling.
The recipe section contains recipes for kit, extract and grain beers. The How To… section contains information on brewing techniques and ingredients and the dictionary is there to help with all those annoying brewing words and phrases. The on-line shop is fully secured using both SSL and credit card encryption technology and contains over 700 items so it’s bound to have what you need. If you need something not on the site drop us a line and we will try to track it down for you.
We are looking to make this Australia’s leading on-line brewing resource center. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see here please send an email to Suggestions .
Dave Gumm

How To Add Grain to a Kit Beer

How To Bulk Prime My Bottles

How To Culture Liquid Yeast

How to do my First Extract Beer

How to Do My First Kit Brew

How to Run a Keg System

How to Run a Pot Still

How to run a Super Reflux Still

How to Tell if my Beer is Ready To Bottle.

How to Use the Hydrometer